The art of the Pick & Roll

The pick and roll is a basic action used in basketball and probably the most used action in basketball. There are multiple ways to use it, but it ultimately will lead to the same action, where someone will set the screen for the ball handler, and you use it to get loose from your defender and allow you to operate freely. I’ll be breaking down a couple of how pick and rolls are used in today’s game.

The first pick and roll is the basic one with one of your big men. They center or power forward will come up and screen the ball handlers man, where the ball handler will use it to get free and then create a play. Sometimes that play will be the screener rolling to the basket, typically it is if it’s a big man setting the screen.


The other type of pick and roll I wanted to talk about was the high pick and roll. The High pick in roll can take place on either wing or the top of the key. It’s where the screener comes further out, usually above the three point line to set the screen. this allows the ball handler to have more space to make a play. Whether that’s going downhill to the basket or finding an open shooter.

Those are the two main types of pick and roll actions, like I stated at the start its still the same action however it can be used in a variety of ways. If you liked this post make sure to check out some of my previous posts underneath the strategies tab and make sure to follow me on twitter @noahnobert !

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