Category: Uncategorized

  • Elements of being a good passer

    There are many aspects to the game of basketball, including different skill sets, play styles, etc. One I’ve always admired is being a great passer and creating good scoring opportunities for others. The things you can do with the ball in your hand are incredible; that’s why I’m going to talk about what elements I…

  • The keys to a good jump shot

    There are multiple ways to shoot a basketball; one of the most commonly known ways is a jump shot. There are many different ways to shoot a jump shot, with different forms, styles, etc. But I’m going to talk about what the keys are to a good jump shot compared to a bad one. The…

  • Coaching preparations

    When it comes to becoming a coach, there’s a lot of preparation that has to be considered. You must look at every aspect of what you want to do, game prep, season prep, and, honestly, internal evaluation. I’m going to talk about what I consider to be the three most important aspects of prepping to…

  • The keys to staying in basketball shape

    A lot of people love to play basketball. Whether that’s just casually shooting around or playing full-court five-on-five. However, if you’ve tried and played five-on-five before, you would know it isn’t exactly easy to get up and down the court that quickly and sometimes for such a long duration of time. So I’m going to…

  • Difference between pros and college

    Basketball is the same universally. The goal is always to put the ball in the hoop and to stop the other team from doing so. However, that doesn’t mean the game is the same at all three levels. Each one has differences between them. Whether that’s in the rulebook or just the general flow of…

  • Why offense is preferred

    There are many aspects of the offensive side of the ball, whether it’s getting an offensive rebound, getting to the free throw line, or throwing a nice dish to someone for an assist. But why is it preferred over defense? The apparent first reason is scoring, when you’re on offense. It gives you the opportunity…

  • Being successful off the court

    When people think of basketball and any sport, they just look at what was done on the court. Whether that’s the result of the game, the box score, or even the practice put in by each player to get to the point they’re at now. However, what nobody talks about is what players do off…

  • Gameday preparation

    Gameday is different for everyone, whether in high school, college, or professional. But today, I’m going to talk about what my gameday experience is like working in division one basketball. So the first thing we ensure is ready for gameday is all our notes. Whether it’s scouting reports, walk thru emphasis, or just the stuff…

  • Keys to rebounding

    Rebounding is arguably one of if not the most important things aside from scoring and defense. Without rebounding, you can’t get stops on defense, and you can’t get second-chance points on offense. However, nobody takes into consideration what goes into rebounding. Ill be breaking down three different aspects that are involved in rebounding. The first…

  • The evolution of the three-point shot

    The basketball game has continued to evolve as the years have gone on. From playing with Peach baskets as rims to 50,000-person stadiums and multi-billion dollar organizations. But the biggest evolution in recent history would be the three-point shot. In 1984 the NBA officially implemented it into the league, but I’m going to talk about…

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